Monday, April 16, 2012

Second Essay Assignment

The topic is more or less open. But some guidelines:

1. Focus on ONE documentary film. I'd prefer it to be one we've watched in class, or talked about in class, or perhaps one made by one of the filmmakers we've studied. Other acceptable titles include:
Breathing Lessons
Exit Through the Gift Shop
Winged Migration
Man on Wire
Project Nim
Food, Inc.
Supersize Me
The Class
Capturing the Friedmans
anything by Errol Morris
anything by Frederick Wiseman
anything by Michael Moore
anything by D. A Pennebaker
anything by Bruce Sinofsky/Joe Berlinger

To help guide your choice: ask yourself if you could legitimately defend this film as a milestone in documentary...

Everyone MUST at the very least let me know beforehand what film you're writing about! Better to send me a thesis statement (see #5).

2. You can discuss the film in general, or choose a specific element (such as the positioning of the camera, or the function of location). But try not to focus too much on the content alone, i.e., what the film is "about." Of course all films tell a story, but the focus of this paper should go beyond that. Consider instead how the film approaches its topic, what kind of documentary it is (does it correspond to any of the five modes?), what its impact or influence has been, what may be unique about its origins, why/how its subject matter is unique, what may be unusual about its production values, etc. Perhaps you want to consider the film's aesthetics, entertainment value, or other factors related to its audience appeal. Make sure your topic is focused and specific.

3. Length: 1200-1500 words. Use double space or 1.5 spacing.

4. Citations/research. Please use at least TWO outside sources in writing your essay. Be sure you properly cite your sources for any quotes or any paraphrased ideas not original to you. You may use internal footnotes or endnotes, or a Works Cited page if you credit the author.source within your essay itself.

5. Have a solid topic or thesis before you begin. You can bring in or email me a two sentence topic or thesis statement (no more than 200 words) and I'd be happy to weigh in.

6. Essays are due in class May 2. I prefer printed essays, not emailed assignments. Don't miss class just because your essay is not ready; let me know the situation.

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