Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Spinal Tap?

I'm pretty sure we had to post in addition to the 500 word writing assignment if not my mistake. Anyway I found Spinal Tap very interesting seeing how it could have been viewed as a real documentary but was really poking fun at the heavy metal aspect of rock and roll. Prior to the film if I hadn't been made aware that it was fake I probably would have believed it until perhaps the first interview about the bands past drummers that all seem to die in unbelievable ways like the freak gardening accident or choking on another persons vomit and to top it all off one of their drummers spontaneously combusted thats where its becomes completely unbelievable and you know it's not real. Other things that stuck out in my mind was their sexist new album cover and how they really didn't understand why the cover was that bad even going so far as to state whats wrong with being sexy when mishearing the word sexist, yet another example of their hyper masculinity. Overall, I could see where this film would be under appreciated if viewed as a real documentary but once you get past that it makes for an excellent comedic satire I found myself suppressing laughs throughout the film.

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